Club Doncaster is the elite brand of sporting organisations working to support and strive forward our community.
We work with a culture that promotes unity, creativity and aspiration to promote success – this is why we are Club Doncaster.
We work across Doncaster via our own activities, and are associated with a number of different projects, organisations and brands that are involved with Children and Vulnerable Groups. This is a key part of our local community work.
Club Doncaster acknowledges and accepts it has a responsibility for the wellbeing and safety of all children, young people and vulnerable groups it works with. It is the duty of the persons assigned by Club Doncaster to safeguard their welfare and maintain an environment that protects from harm. Club Doncaster has a number of appointed persons who have a responsibility to manage the Safeguarding function throughout the organisations.
We have detailed policies within all areas of Club Doncaster to ensure that we are promoting safer working practices in all areas of the business from our recruitment to general day to day practice, and learning from incidents.
We abide and work with all statutory agencies, Doncaster Local Safeguarding Children Board, the RFL, the FA and EFL, to ensure that we are meeting their regulations and specifications across the organisation, and aiming for best practice with all areas of our practices.
Club Doncaster Use of I.T Policy addendum to cover government lockdown
This amendment should be read in conjunction with the all Club Doncaster policies, including the Safeguarding Policy, Staff handbook, and departmental policies and practices. In the case of any doubt please refer to the People & Culture department for appropriate risk assessment.
Club statement:
The way in which our football Club has to operate during government lockdown is fundamentally different to business as usual. This has an impact on a number of policies and procedures.
This addendum covers some areas of policy and procedures that should be adhered to by all stakeholders, staff, volunteers, players, parents, when it becomes necessary for us to instigate online learning due to social distancing requirements.
Parental and player consent:
When conducting any part of Club Doncaster activity, we will ask parent/guardians of under 18 players to provide consent for online teaching and/or meetings with their child to go ahead. This will include providing consent for the meeting/lesson to be recorded and stored in line with our Club data protection and GDPR policies.
The Club will own the rights to any recording and will maintain the record for a maximum of one year following the end of this, and this will be kept with the Senior Welfare Officers across each area of the business, (Doncaster Belles, Club Doncaster Foundation, Club Doncaster Sports College, Impact Doncaster, The Foundation at Club Doncaster, Doncaster Rugby League Club, Doncaster Belles LFC.
Safer recruitment and online teaching/learning:
- All staff providing one to one online sessions to under 18 players will have been recruited by the Club in accordance with our safer recruitment policy. They will hold a current enhanced DBS check with children’s barred list as per Club Doncaster safeguarding and safer recruitment regulations.
- Staff will wear/show their Club lanyard or identification document at the beginning of the session to participants
- If due to sickness or last minute change in circumstances a member of staff needs to be replaced for an online session then they details of who will be leading the session will be emailed to participants and their parents in advance and the above requirements will be adhered too.
Professional appearance during online teaching/learning:
Players and staff are required to be dressed appropriately for remote learning. Attire which would ordinarily be worn in Club in a classroom environment is appropriate. When clothing which does not meet expectations lessons should be stopped immediately and player/staff/parent should report their concerns to the Club Safeguarding officer whose details can be found at the end of this document.
Suitable environment:
Both staff and players must be physically located in safe working spaces, appropriate for online lessons. Under 18’s should be in a room with or near an adult so that the adult can hear and see the communication is taking place and is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure this is happening. All staff should be in a room where others cannot see or listen in, if this is not possible, then headphones must be worn, and screens angled away towards a wall and away from any other people.
The Club utilises the following methods for online teaching and communication with all stakeholders:
Whats app group calls
Microsoft Teams
Google Hang Out
Communication must be undertaken by staff through Club provided devices, via Club I.T servers and utilising the above approved methods.
Under no circumstances should staff and/or players personal contacts be shared and the use of social media or any way of communicating other than the Club approved official methods through unofficial channels is strictly prohibited.
Private chat or sharing of images between players and staff is unacceptable. All Club provided devices will be monitored remotely.
Microsoft Teams, and google is Club Doncaster’s preferred online platform. It must only be used during scheduled lesson or meeting times. Neither staff nor players should use this as a means of contacting the other party outside of official scheduled times.
Appropriate language:
As with all Club communications the content and language used by all parties be professional, including family members.
The duration of online lessons/meetings will be kept to a reasonable length. The Club is mindful of the fact that during imposed lockdown families may be experiencing a number of pressures and competing expectations on their time.
Club Safeguarding Contacts:
During the Covid-19 lockdown period the Safeguarding contacts for the Club are as follows:
Kirsty Cavanagh Head of People & Culture 07444 976839
John Davis Chief Operating Officer 07801 992545
Remember that in an emergency or where there is risk to life you should contact the police immediately.
Online safety:
It is important that internet safety and security messages are re-enforced during this time when we are expecting young people to be online more often. They may also be increasing their usage on devices during their own free time during this lockdown period. It is important that both players and parents are aware of the help and support available should they be concerned about something they have seen or experienced online. These include:
UK Safer Internet Centre
Internet Matters
Mental health:
Negative experiences and distressing life events, such as the current circumstances, can affect the mental health of us all. Players who are struggling under the current circumstances should contact the Club safeguarding staff as outlined above. Support can also be accessed through a number of national organisations including:
The Samaritans Tel: 116 123
ChildLine: Tel: 0800 1111
NSPCC: Tel: 0808 800 5000
Mind: Tel: 0300 123 3393
PFA: Tel: 07500 000 777